June 2007

Found some interesting links :

Microsoft Interview questions

(Kiran Bondalapati) :  http://halcyon.usc.edu/~kiran/msqs.html

Good one : http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/riddles/microsoft.shtml

Another : http://www.sellsbrothers.com/fun/msiview/default.aspx?content=question.htm

Mr. Wit : http://www.mr-wit.com/riddles.html


Just Curious : http://justcurio.us/q_answers.php?q=345429

Think Again : http://simpler-solutions.net/pmachinefree/thinkagain/thinkagain.php

Math Forum : http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/sets/elem_puzzles.html

Just read about a song called Codemonkey by Jonathan Coulton. Its released under a Creative Commons license so you can legally distribute and share it with your friends as long as you adhere to the license conditions. It sounds like an anthem for all of us code generating humans.


Here’s a link to the mp3 version :  ‘Codemonkey‘ 

Related articles:  8 dedicated hours of a S/w engineer

For those who are interested to read the lyrics of Code Monkey …browse below : (more…)

Came across this article on DRDO and the opportunities the once so esteemed organization provides to the code monkeys in India as compared to the private sector software industry these days.


Dont really agree ditto with the author, but to some extent yes. With the software industry in India booming because of the outsourcing, DRDO is hardly making any efforts to stay upbeat with the opportunities/perks they offer their employees.

A bit effort on time management takes you a long way. Some basic practices that would help you be on time and accomplish before the red light goes on.



To-Do list

To Do

Time off from gadgets


Exert in limits – take time to relax


Extend a hand 


Clean and organize


Plan your work and work out your plan.  Simple tips…….follow them to enjoy work as you would enjoy a vacation. 🙂

 Am striving to be someone – who wont need any introduction.

I know the journey to my dream is tough…….but its not impossible……..this is what keeps me going.

You can !! if you think you can 🙂

Best wishes


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